David Collantes

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Close, very close but no cigar

I got called today to pick up my car. “It is fixed, all done”, they said, so I was happy, even thought they were taking $496.34 hard earned dollars out of my pocket. The car seat settings were changed, the radio was on, tuned to a latin radio station — which I do not listen — and the AC was on, which I had turned off before I dropped the car. Still, I drove away, trusting that I would have a very smooth ride home, trying to forget those little details that were, already, annoying me. How naïve I was! The same noise, the same shacking and rattling were still there, no different at all from the day before.

Needless is to say that as I type this I am, still, very pissed. The car is back at the shop and I shall battle with their manager tomorrow.

If you take your car for repairs to “Holler Mitsubishi”, beware.
