David Collantes

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It is friday for me

Tomorrow I will not be going to work. There are personal matters I need to take care of. Weird that I started this entry talking about tomorrow, but sometimes I think tomorrow is always more important. That is, if there is a tomorrow…

Today was great. Work was all right. We — John, George, Gee, Yanyan and I — went for lunch out of Campus, since I needed to take a letter to the post office to get it postmarked and the whole gang decided to join me. We had a good time.

I meant to call my brother tonight, but for one reason or another I did not. I need to talk to him about my parents and on whether or not would be a smart choice to bring them up to live with us. One thing is true: they are not getting any younger and pretty soon — if not now — they will need to live with someone that will take care of them.

A few things to do tomorrow, need to save energy. I should be sleeping now…