David Collantes

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It is that time of the year: Halloween

Well, you goblins, witches, bats, ghosts… Frankenstein lovers, here it comes your day, once again. Of course, I do not look at Halloween as such, it is just another day, like the others, with the subtle difference that is the day where kids go around, having fun, asking for sweet little treats, dressed up as the unimaginable.

Considering I never knew what Halloween was until I came to America and, hence, I did not experience the fun that it can bring, I am going to do my best to bring a safe, happy Halloween to my kid. It is not about witches, who cares what Halloween meant originally! It is about fun, search for cavities and healthy scaring. Of course, it is about business too.

After all, how many people think of Christmas as the christian’s celebration? Then why should we think of Halloween as the evil’s celebration? For those of you having fun tonight… Happy Halloween!