David Collantes

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Things are changing… once again

Things are changing around here once again. I am going to try, once again, to please my mind on this little spot. There has been a gap, since the last time I posted, but I had had my reasons. Uncle Eddie died and now, almost a month after, I feel the same emptiness I felt the first day.

I am working on a Webmail for family use. For those who already have a username and password, go ahead and give it a try. I am trying to make this webmail “the” prefered mail client: it is reachable from everywhere, it is convenient, since your mails reside on the server all the time and it is all yours, no advertising, no quota limits. What more could you ask for? :-)

We have not moved to the new building at work yet, but several departments have. In two weeks, they say, TRC will be moving. Lately I do not care. Que será, será… A buddy is trying to leave us, the world is coming to an end.

Allright, I am going to nap for a while, before “Mother’s Day” party starts at home. Remember to check out the Webmail. Only intended for family though. Next time you come by you may find something different here. Bye now!