David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

The never-ending story

I am living the never-ending story with this website. It all comes down to lack of time. It could be also that the little time I have free I am dedicating to my family, but then again, that’s also lack of time.

Just a recount of the things that had occurred since the last time: we got cable for the first time (mainly for the enjoyment of Kent Martin and mother); our TV is kind of failing, so we go another; Kim got her first job interview, which she graciously flunked (hey, job search is itself a full time job and an art!); my left hand middle finger is hurting, I am afraid it is arthritis; I am having soup for lunch almost every day.

As you can see, life is pretty uneventful. And, as everyone else’s, we are getting old and I can feel it. Haven’t had a time to shut any new pictures, so my upcoming photo weblog is just there, upcoming, somehow collecting dust (pretty much like this site).

Yes, the never-ending story. Life goes on.

Update: I am selling one of my Rolleiflex on eBay. Come on, bid for it! Yay! – Sold!