David Collantes

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Traveling, my unfulfilled hobby

Today I came across Vagabonding and I have to admit I felt jealous, in a good way. You see, traveling around the world has always been my unfulfilled dream and, even thought I have traveled some, I still hope one day (sooner rather than later) that dream will come true.

Mike Pugh lives and writes, with words and pictures, his travels around the world and he does it well. What could be more energizing than fulfilling your hearts desire? Vagabonding is a must see and read. Go and look, do not take my words for it.

Some people travel in a different way. Take John, from Wanting Seed, for example. He decided to study, learn and live the Chinese culture by going to school in China. Pretty cool, huh? Oh boy, if only I were 20 years old and single! Not that I am complaining about my current status (husband and father), but youth and independence are very important to do what John did.

Finally, I thought I should mention Joey, the guy behind Ash. Being from Brunei Darussalam, on the Borneo Island, he decided — for his own good, I presume — to travel to the “Land down Under”, also to study. But even though knowing new cultures and lands could be very exciting, Joey puts it simple when he writes: “I am not like most Bruneians, who want to leave Brunei and never come back. I want to go back. Pronto."

Yes, traveling is great. But I guess there is not sweeter place, after running around globe, than home sweet home.