David Collantes

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Good bye 2003!

Twenty one days is a long time without talking to you. Yes, you, the one reading here at this very moment. Even though I had my reasons I am afraid they were way too lame to be used, so I am not bailing out. A lot has happened since the last post, let’s recount.

At work we had had the most controversial and lenghty hiring process ever. It has been going throughout the whole month, more or less, and still extends to the new year. Moods changed, feelings were hurt. In all and all, I think it will ended up allright. I just don’t want to go through another :-) . Seriously.

Thankgiving in Miami was great. I really enjoy seeing family and spending time with them, even though I still feel kind of guilty for taking my nephew’s bed and sending him and wife to sleep on the computer room (office). Kent Martin gave us the scare of the lifetime by not having bowel movements in 5 days. If you are smiling while reading this, wait till you are a parent and then come back. No fun.

Kim’s unemployment is running out this week, so you can imagine our “State of the Union”. I have updated my resume and compiled a list of references, should the worse come to worse. That is, if Kim lands a great job somewhere else, we will have to move. We are a family, we do not separate. Of course, something else might happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Christmas eve was great. Lots of fun and family, the whole thirty something of them! Food was plentyful; so was the beer and wine. Christmas day we drove to Tampa, to visit our friend (more like a brother) Marcos and family. Once again, good time there, good food, not enough time. I wish one day we could go and stay overnight, swim on the swimming pool, visit downtown Tampa and shoot pictures around. Perhaps that day will come next year. Should I make it one of my New Year Resolutions?

Back into town around 6:30 PM (that’s yesterday) and straight to Mom-in-law house, were the presents were to be opened. Got there just-in-time. More food, more beer, more wine. Presents! Got a DVD -/+R, -/+RW, yes!! And KM got some toys, some clothes and a pair of shoes with lights that kept him busy all night. We got home around 9:30 PM and I was ready to go to bed (I was –I am always– the driver on the Tampa trip), so I did.

Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I emailed Joey, replying to his request, politely asking him to get back to his scribblings. He replied (and I paraphrase) “You update and I may consider”. Well, I did my part, don’t you think, Joey? Would you reconsider now?

Two thousand and three is leaving us. Or we are leaving him! In any case, I would to like to wish you, in my name and in the name of the whole Collantes Family, a peaceful, successful, full of all your wishes come through 2004!