On vacation now
Today I enter a mini-vacation. There will be a lot of things to do next week, the most important of all will be to get the house ready to sell. Yes, you are not having any vision problems, you are reading well: we are selling the house. Interested?
The main thing we need to do is clean it, that’s the main goal this coming week. There are a few little things that need to get fixed, but they are minor details: some painting here, retouching there, nothing major.
Also, even though I will be on “vacation”, I may –I am almost sure I will– pass by work and check a few things out. When you are a workaholic it is actually difficult to keep away from work. I am not competing with John, I am not going to push it, but… Let’s just say that there is a backup appliance, which I do not recomend to anyone to buy (Dell Powervault 132T) that needs to be checked out.
What else is there to write about? Hmmm, ah! Yes! I met Thomas Welfley today, finally. We enjoyed a good cup of coffee and talk about how to accomplished a desire we both share: to take over the world.
Needless is to say that we did not reach any conclusion as of how to do so, but the time spent was enjoyable. And off he went to “study” (which I am almost sure wasn’t nothing else than going to put into practice some of the world taking ideas I gave him).
Weekend is close by and a shower awaits. Farewell for now. Have a nice weekend!