David Collantes

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Year of the Monkey

Today we went to the Vietnamese New Year of the Monkey celebration gathering. Of course, some of you know that today is not “the” New Year per se, it happened a few days ago, but it is never late when we are talking about food… and happiness… and food. Did I mention food?

On previous years there was a fee to get inside the Florida Fairgrounds to enjoy the celebration. Not this year! We got there around 1:30 PM and within a few minutes we were $20 lighter and three pounds heavier. KM and Alyssa enjoyed walking around with us and receiving their red envelopes with lucky money. KM wanted a water gun and he got it. After all, it is New Year celebration, you get to see one or two wishes granted.

Back at home around 4:30 PM, KM felt asleep and it has been doing so till now. It bothers me, since he needs to have his dinner, but it looks like he will sleep till tomorrow or he will wake up around 11:00 PM or so tonight, which would be a disaster.

Mom, my second mom here in Orlando is sad because of our inminent future changes. I believe we all are going to be allright. “El Rey ha muerto, que viva el Rey!” Life will go on.