David Collantes

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Futilely insisting

Human nature is quite interesting and I type so based on my own experience. I am talking about myself.

It amazes me that I keep going to check for new entries or read comments, once — and sometimes two, three, four times — a day on Ambivalent.US, when I disagree 9 out of 10 with everything the owner has to say (actually, write). Same thing happens with Hivelogic, I go there every day just to find a boring, uninteresting entry, still I go. Actually, with Hivelogic what it bothers me the most is not to be able to comment and tell Dan how damn boring he is at times.

Adam Kalsey is another one I visit daily, even though he barely updates. Same applies to Brad Choate, Reid Philpot, Gee and Rael. Peter Lindsberg weblog is another that I daily go and I do not even know why, since the guy writes so philosophically deep about programming and what nots that 99% of the time I have no idea of what he is talking about.

I wonder what the brave two or three that come by every once and then think about this very own spot…