David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

Joined the rest

As you can see, I have joined the rest of the thousands using the drop shadow, centered approach on their websites/weblogs. There are several things I am not sure yet. Different background colour? Should I make the top and bottom with shadow too, with a space at the top and bottom just like it was before? Should I use this opportunity and make the whole interface 800 wide instead of 640 pixels? Decisions, decisions.. What do you think? Also, can you recommend how to re-structure the side “column” for the best? What should and should not be there?

We will probably be hiring –finally!– the guy that will be our next webmaster today. When this whole odyssey started back in February ([Gee] got the job early January, 2004) I did not know it was going to last this long. Well, I did not know I was going to be around in UCF till now neither. Life has it’s twists.


Some have reported problems while browsing this site with IE. I have tried with IE 6 at home and everything looks fine. Could you –yes, you on the other side of the display– report on this as well?