David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

Flipping the switch

Next Monday (August 2nd) we are flipping the switch from the old reliable Linux based email system (Sendmail, Washington University IMAP/POP3) to a relatively newly deployed Microsoft Exchange 2003. Needless is to say that we –TRC staff– all have been busy wrapping things up to minimize the impact. But things –bad things, unexpected things– are bound to happen. It is just a matter of time.

With Exchange I say good bye to the taken-for-granted reliability, easy maintenance and trouble free email system that we had, to dive into the unknown. I am not only a bit stressed, I am feeling sentimental. The system we are moving away from has been with us for seven long years. Seven long years of excellent service. I have no complains and infinite praise.

If, by any chance, you happen to manage an Exchange 2000/2003 single server or farm, get in touch. I would like to keep your contact information handy :-)