David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

Adsense presence

I few of you might have realized that I, finally, got approved on Goggle’s Adsense program. Two years ago I applied, with the hopes of becoming rich. I was very naïve and I was denied participation. Recently I applied again. I did it mainly for two reasons: I love Google. I can not deny I am in love with it. Everything that Google has offered so far is of my liking. Secondly, I wanted to offer my skimish audience related links to sites and/or products that could potentially be useful for them. This time there were no hopes or ideas of becoming rich. I wanted to offer a service.

All the above been said, please do not click on an Adsense ad if the information or product is not of your interest. Read the entry, comment — if you please — and if the Adsense makes “sense” do as you please. Remember, this is a service. For you.