David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

Your Privacy at stake

Something very infortunated has happened and I want to encourage you, and the people you know, to help amend this by signing the petition and emailing your elected officials as soon as possible.

The NTIA, which is the telecommunications and Internet arm of the Department of Commerce, has disallowed private registrations for .US domain names. This unfortunate decision was made by the NTIA, without a hearing or an opportunity for a response by those affected – in fact; there was no due process of any kind. It’s ironic that the NTIA has taken away our first amendment rights to privacy for the one domain name (.US) that is specifically intended for Americans. These bureaucrats stripped away the privacy that you’re entitled to as an American; on the only domain name that says that you are an American.

Even while the NTIA has ruthlessly criticized ICANN in the past for lack of transparency, the NTIA itself has been evasive and untruthful about the entire process, and has yet to provide a satisfactory explanation for the move.

After giving only two weeks’ notice, the NTIA has stated that they would not consider any arguments and that its decision is final, leaving thousands of .US domain owners confused and exposed.

What you can do about it

Simply sign the petition on this site and send an email to your elected representatives in Washington, D.C. to express your outrage and request their help in reversing the NTIA’s inappropriate decision. Your rights are at stake. Take action!