David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

Too busy, too much money or…

Our College is trying to re-design. Our web manager has been assigned to some other project of more importance (Dean’s order), so he can’t tackle the conversion of the existing website to a full blown CMS driven one. Other than the locals we have seeing and sit through presentations and proposals, I sent emails –very brief ones, but to the point– to Dan Cederholm, Dan Bejamin (we live in the same town), and David Shea. They are web designers/backend programmers. They do that for a living. None of them has replied, now almost three weeks after the email was sent.

I noticed Dan Benjamin is selling some used Mac equipment, and he wants to be contacted. “Please send me an email and we’ll talk.”, he writes. I only hope that potential buyers emails go to the same place mine went and receive the same treatment – It seems he answered the potential buyers really quick, the “gear” is sold.

I always answer all my valid (not junk/spam) emails. If only to say “No”, “Yes”, “I can’t” or simply “Hi”. It is called education.