David Collantes

Verified ($6.50/year for the domain)

Small changes here and there

I have changed, once again, the theme around here, as you can see. Simple approaches have always been my favorites and this one excels in simplicity, hence the name I have given it, “Simplissimo”. It is a modified version of a WordPress theme based on an original Typo theme. As you can see, I have done slight (or not so slight) changes to make it mine. And still might change more or I might change it all together. Yes, again.

If you have OpenID enabled on your URI, it will be used when you leave comments and a local account will be created. If not, then it will behave just like any other weblog out there, and set a cookie for you. As I said, I am still fine tunning; I am also interested on knowing how does it look on a Mac. Bear with me –or let me know– if something shows broken.