David Collantes

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Microsoft is a crying baby

What does Microsoft do when they don’t get it their way? They cry like babies, they snitch and they try to use their mu$cle to get things their way.

Microsoft Urges Review of Google-DoubleClick Deal – Microsoft, a veteran defendant of epic antitrust battles in the United States and Europe, is urging regulators to consider scuttling Google’s plan to buy DoubleClick, an online advertising company.

Microsoft contends that the $3.1 billion deal, announced on Friday, would hurt competition in the fast-growing market for advertising on the Web and raises questions about how much personal information would be collected by Google, already a dominant player in online advertising.


Microsoft was one of the companies, along with Yahoo and Time Warner, that lost out to Google in the bidding for DoubleClick.New York Times

See what I am saying? The more I see them (Microsoft) behaving, the less I like them.