David Collantes

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A Christmas tree small story

Last year we had a plastic Christmas tree. Wife was not happy. This year she wanted a real one, so this morning the child and I went on the quest of getting it. Most families in the States will get a Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving, but I am used to get it the day before Christmas. Of course, if I wait for that day there will be none left. So it is today, or never1.

We purchased one, which is already soaking in water. The main reason that brought me here to write this is because I felt sad purchasing the tree. I was telling Kent that I would rather use a tree for something more useful. I feel sad for a tree that is killed to serve a very short lived purpose. But, in retrospect, I thought too that this one we have got lucky. It would have been worse if no one would have bought it. Then it really would have been killed for no reason other than to be disposed; cut and disposed, nothing else. Now, that is really sad.

  1. As it was, very few trees were left for purchase. Yet, we got a decent one, for half the price. I guess it was worth the wait!