David Collantes

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Gmail.app on iOS

I like Google and its services. Like is too little, I love them! Their mobile applications on the other hand — specifically those running under iOS — are horrible. The UIX is confusing and it does not follows Apple UIX design. Their choice of font is of poor taste and, again, does not match the rest of the OS. They lack of functionality and/or their functionality is limited by poor choices and, what is seems to be, a lack of common sense. I could describe and point out the problems on any of their applications, but this rant pertains to the Gmail application running under iOS.

The Gmail application is the only client the allows real time notifications of new emails, also known as Google Sync. Google used to allow that feature under iOS Mail.app, but they discontinued it on January 30, 2013 for non-paying users (me). Such feature is the only reason to use Gmail.app. The only reason. Some of the Gmail.app flaws:

I have not encountered any bugs, but some people swear there are, and although their client on Android is slighter better, their UIX on their own mobile OS leaves lots to desire. Amazing that, even after they bought Sparrow1, they can’t come up with something better!

  1. Google bought Sparrow in 2012. Sparrow was an amazing email client for OS X and iOS, which used a simplified user interface similar of that of Twitter client.