David Collantes

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Presidential Elections 2016

Back in 2011 was the last time I wrote about Presidential Elections (2012). I can’t believe we are about to get into them again. In 2012 I knew exactly who to vote for, but in 2016, with the selection we have thus far, I really have no idea about who is the most viable—if there is one. Certainly not this one:

Question: “How will you bring back the American Dream?”

Trump: “Look, We can bring the American Dream back. That I will tell you. We’re bringing it back. OK? And I understand what you’re saying. And I get that from so many people. “Is The American Dream dead?” They are asking me the question, “Is the American Dream dead?” And the American Dream is in trouble. That I can tell you. OK? It’s in trouble. But we’re going to get it back and do some real jobs. How about the man with that beautiful red hat? Stand up! Stand up! What a hat!”

Donald Trump Town Hall in Rochester, New Hampshire

Oh dear.